
Archive for November, 2009

Notes from meeting held 21st November 2009

November 24, 2009 4 comments

There was a very poor turnout to the meeting on Saturday. As this is Crisis Centre Month, it would have been great to see more volunteers so that they could be kept up to date with our activities for the month. Dr. Patterson reminded volunteers of the high per capita rate of rape, assault and murder in the Bahamas and the need for our work to continue and expand.

The Workshop on Teen Relationship Violence which took place last week at the East Street Gospel Chapel was a huge success with about 70 senior high school students attending and dynamic presentations being made. A skit, written by Thea Rutherford and Samitria Miller, and acted by Joy Burrows from C.R Walker and Lorenzo Charles from CC Sweeting was well received.

As this Wednesday, 25th November, is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a workshop will be held at Transfiguration Church Hall at Market and Vesey Street from 9-12.30. Speakers will address issues of sexual violence, including spousal rape and it is hoped that there will be a good turnout of participants from all sectors of the community.  All aspects of sexual violence will be addressed.

The newspaper supplement is published with the Tribune, today, so we hope everyone will buy a copy to read the contributions made by volunteers and messages from Ministers Dion Foulkes and Loretta Butler-Turner and a Proclamation from the Prime Minister, Mr. Hubert Ingraham. It promises to be an interesting document.

The children’s Christmas party was discussed but we are unable to give a date as yet as the people who so kindly visit the Bahamas bringing gifts for the children are not as yet able to say exactly when they will be visiting.

More FM  would like to organize a teddy bear drive for children seen at the Centre and any donations can be taken to Peggy’s Hat Shop on Blue Hill Road.

It was suggested that, in place of the usual monthly meeting in January, we hold a half day retreat for volunteers. Possible locations were discussed and the matter will be considered further and volunteers informed of the location in due course.

The need for another Family Island Workshop was expressed as the social workers, police and teachers on many of the islands can feel very isolated when challenged with issues of child abuse, rape and domestic violence. It is hoped to hold the Workshop early in the New Year.

Volunteers will be kept informed on plans for the children’s Christmas party and it is hoped we can get full participation in the event.

Stay safe and watch this space for more information!

Categories: News


Just some reminders!

19th November: Workshop on Teen Relationship Violence

21st November: Monthly meeting

24th November: Newspaper supplement with the Tribune

25th November: Workshop on Sexual Violence

Categories: News

November is Crisis Centre Month

November 1, 2009 1 comment

8x11 copyWell, we are now into November which is being recognized as Crisis Centre Month. We are focusing on Teen Relationship Violence with the theme ” Love Shouldn’t Hurt”

Activities will include a Workshop on the 19th November at the East Street Gospel Chapel (please note change in venue) East Street from 9-12.30, a newspaper supplement filled with articles, poems and messages to educate and support teens as we  address this sensitive issue, a play to be recorded and shown in schools and at other locations, demonstrating typical teenage scenarios and visits to schools to talk about Teen Relationship Violence.

Stephanie Smollett has created some beautiful posters for the month and volunteers and supporters have submitted work for inclusion in the supplement.

We do hope that the end result will be an increased awareness of the challenges which meet  our young people  today and ways and means in which we can help them meet these challenges.

Categories: News